1. Edit the _data/metadata.json with your site's information.
  2. (Optional) Edit .eleventy.js with your configuration preferences.
  3. Delete this message from _includes/layouts/base.njk.

This is an Eleventy project created from the eleventy-starter repo.


  1. Plant Identification Tools
  2. React Native Box Shadow
  3. Slack API files.upload error: not_in_channel
  4. CircleCI Artifact URL
  5. URI Safe Characters
  6. Browser Games for Developers & Designers
  7. Web Monetization
  8. Tristan Harris
  9. SVG
  10. Memory
  11. Robinhood
  12. Coronavirus
  13. Xcode
  14. URL
  15. SVN
  16. Stack Overflow
  17. Jest
  18. Google Drive
  19. GitLab
  20. FileZilla
  21. Feature vs Value
  22. Excel
  23. Dropbox
  24. Asana
  25. Argument vs Parameter
  26. What's a digital garden?
  27. Music for Coding
  28. Homeschool Resources
  29. React Native Push Notifications
  30. Homemade Pizza
  31. Ignore TypeScript-ESLint Rule with Code Comment
  32. Auto-scaling Images in React Native
  33. Paste and Match Style by Default on macOS
  34. Run React Native App on iPad or any other iOS Simulator
  35. React Native Error: Could not find iPhone X Simulator
  36. Epilepsy Devices
  37. Always open React Native packager with iTerm
  38. Query Gatsby nodes based on gatsby-source-filesystem name
  39. Uses
  40. Mac Apps
  41. Backblaze
  42. How to Exit VIM
  43. Haircut
  44. Camping
  45. Mentors
  46. Happiness
  47. Edu Deals
  48. Fear
  49. iOS Dev
  50. NPM
  51. NVM
  52. VS Code
  53. Three.js
  54. GatsbyJS
  55. MySQL
  56. Markdown
  57. GitHub
  58. Express
  59. Google Chrome
  60. Static Sites
  61. Change App Display Name in React Native
  62. Expo
  63. WordPress
  64. PHP
  65. Terminology
  66. Security
  67. Nintendo Wii
  68. Internet Explorer
  69. Jekyll
  70. Microsoft Edge Browser
  71. Gmail
  72. React
  73. Remote Work
  74. React Native
  75. Favorite Podcasts
  76. Holiday Films & Specials
  77. Dairy Free Banana Ice Cream
  78. Great Video Games
  79. Mac App Store Links
  80. React Native - UI Kits
  81. Stop Real Mail Notification Email for USPS PO Box
  82. Easter Movies
  83. Wget - Create Website Mirror
  84. Homebrew
  85. Atom
  86. App Store Badges
  87. ImageMagick - PSD to PNG
  88. Revert ssh-agent behavior pre macOS Sierra
  89. React Native - Books
  90. Google Maps
  91. Mac Enable Xdebug in MAMP
  92. CSS Disable Text Selection
  93. Animated GIFs
  94. Mac - Single Command Web Server
  95. React Native - Text Size & Font Scaling
  96. React Native - Set RootView Background Color
  97. Static Sites - Forms
  98. Convert Plist to JSON
  99. CSS Font Smoothing
  100. Twitter (iOS) - Remove App Icon Badge
  101. Cordova - Emulate Target Specific Device